Yes! Setting up a recurring gift enables Variety BC to respond quickly when a critical need is brought to our attention. If you would like to make a monthly or recurring gift, please visit the Monthly Giving page on our website for more information.
By choosing to leave a gift of assets other than cash, you could save capital gains and estate taxes, and therefore make a bigger impact than you previously thought possible. Examples of other types of gifts you can leave are stocks and securities, life insurance, RRSPs or RRIFs, Annuities and more. For more information email [email protected].
You can alter or cancel your monthly giving arrangement at any time simply by contacting Julianna Vittorio, Coordinator, Philanthropy Services at 604-268-3886 or by going online to the Monthly Donation Adjustment form.
First, we would like to thank you for your previous support. Contributing monthly helps to lower administration costs as you’ll receive one tax receipt at the beginning of each calendar year and it makes your bookkeeping easier when it comes to tax time. In addition, monthly donations provide a predictable source of income that Variety can depend on every month. It means that you enable us to make firm commitments to our Variety families so they can count on us to receive ongoing support. Monthly giving is a great way to provide ongoing support to BC’s kids
Variety’s funding is always based on what funds are available. We will consider one application per year, per child and must be completed within one Variety fiscal year. Your priorities must be listed on the application for Variety’s consideration.
Limits also include:
– Therapies: Maximum $2,500 per year for one and $4,000 total for two.
– Tutoring: Maximum $1,500 per year; Tuition: Maximum $4,000 per year (reviewed only from August to October)
– Compliance with our policies and guidelines does not guarantee funding of any application.
Our current grant priority areas are:
Only families whose child meets all of the following criteria can be considered for an individual grant:
– Children from birth to their 19th birthday. (Note: for autism assessment, the child seeking help must be 4 years or under.)
– A child must be a B.C. resident with a valid Personal Health Number (PHN) or Yukon resident with a valid Health Care Card
– Qualified special need (medical and/or developmental) as confirmed by a designated health care professional. (This does not apply to private autism and psychoeducational assessments or mental wellness requests)
– Financial circumstance that limits the ability to afford the item or service required. (We are currently able to consider requests from households with an annual income of up to $85,000).
Variety steps in where health care ends aiming to fill the gaps which are not covered by government programs, health care or private health plans. Variety relies solely on the generosity of individuals, corporate sponsors and organizations to fund our child grants. Grants are designed to be flexible to allow you to apply for the items that best meet your child’s needs. As every child is unique, so is every application and each is reviewed on an individual basis. Sometimes, Variety tops up funding where another agency cannot fund the entire cost. An example would be a partial contribution towards vehicle modifications.
No medicines/prescriptions, eye glasses or dental
A Variety corporate partnership provides much needed funding to support families who are caring for a child with disabilities and complex health needs while increasing customer loyalty, employee engagement and community awareness. It is a way to connect with your customers, demonstrate your values, address your marketing and corporate social responsibility objectives and increase brand awareness. It’s also an amazing way to inspire and engage your employees.
You can easily become a corporate donor with a campaign or event sponsorship, partial proceeds program, round-up in-store campaign, hosting a fundraising event and employee giving campaigns. We are happy to work with you to create meangingful fundraising opportunities that align with your corporate image. For more information, please visit our Get Involved page.
We are happy to help inspire and bring your event to life! Variety BC can provide you with information and materials that help you share with your guests the important difference they are making for kids in BC by supporting you. To make it even easier for your supporters to donate to your fundraiser, we can help you create an online fundraising page with your very own photos and messaging! This is a great way to share your story on why you are choosing to support Variety – the Children’s Charity BC. While we cannot guarantee the availability of equipment for your event, we do our very best to support you in whichever way we can! Please email Angela at [email protected] with an idea of the resources you may need to make your fundraising event a success.
Please email [email protected] your old address and your new address. We will be sure to make the change on your account. Thank you for supporting Variety BC!
If you make a donation online, you will get an email shortly after (also check your email’s Junk Folder) with a link to download your tax receipt and print at home (look for this line on your received email ” Click here to download your pdf tax receipt: eReceipt).
On your online Credit Card Statement, you may see “BB* Pending and Mississauga ON” or something similar. This is our Blackbaud Payment Processor and once your bank finalizes your payment you may see Variety BC 604 320 0505 on your actual credit card statement. If you have any questions, contact Donor Services.
Please call us during office hours at 604-320-0505 and press 2 or email [email protected] with the following information: Current information
Name of Deceased
Last Mailing Address
Email address/phone number
Name and Relationship of Deceased (including mailing address if they were a monthly donor to have final tax receipt sent to)
When you give a gift of $1,047 or more to Variety BC, we’ll give you the opportunity to to have the name of your choice on a Sunshine Coach.
For more information, please contact Angela Smith at 604.268.3890 or [email protected].
Non-profit organization or society registered in BC, with audited financial statements, and federally registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency are eligible to apply. Please note that the vehicle must be used for children, 25% of which should be children with special needs (low income and mental health are also eligible needs).
Variety Sunshine Coach Program is a 50-50 cost sharing program, and once granted, the vehicle is owned and operated by the organization.
Variety opens the Sunshine Coach Application with 2 yearly submission deadlines, one in April and another one in September.
Variety BC offers free classroom workshops and school assemblies to help inspire & motivate students, and help you with action planning so that your school can make a big difference in the lives of kids right here at home! Email us at [email protected] to inquire on opportunities to bring Variety BC to your school or visit the Variety Schools Fundraising Program page on our website to see when we’ll be touring through your neighbourhood next!
Please refer to the Variety Schools Grant Program page on our website for the current application deadline. All applications are reviewed after the deadline has closed.
Apply online by the deadline listed on our website. Variety reviews all applications within 4-6 weeks after the deadline closes. If your application is successful, Variety BC will e-mail you an official approval letter and require you to sign a Conditions and Recognition Agreement to accept the grant.
The Variety Schools Grant Program matches school fundraising to help bring your inclusive project to life. Once your school has reached its fundraising goal (50% of the total project cost), your school will be required to submit these funds by cheque to Variety BC. Please note that Variety BC pays only your chosen vendor, not the school directly. Once your cheque has been received, Variety BC will match your fundraising efforts dollar for dollar, and issue a single purchase order using the combined funds to the vendor.
Variety works with your vendor(s) directly to be invoiced directly for all equipment funded by this program. You will be required to submit the contact information for your vendor(s) with your application.
Along with the application, schools must submit the following supporting documents: quote(s) from your vendors of choice and a fundraising plan including an outline of your school’s planned fundraisers for the year and a list of your school’s current funders and grants. We also welcome letters from school staff and/or parents of students who will benefit most from your project!
Please note that Variety BC only accepts quotes from Canadian vendors, and does not fund items from hypermarket, e-commerce, discount or outlet stores.