For over 55 years, we’ve awarded Sunshine Coach grants to organizations that enhance the lives of kids with special needs.
In partnership with Coastal Ford, we’ve awarded more than 600 of these grants over 15 years, providing safe and reliable transportation for kids.
Safe transportation for kids across BC
Providing safe, comfortable, and inclusive transportation to kids, Sunshine Coach vehicles are partially funded by Variety and awarded to eligible organizations throughout BC. These coaches can be adapted with special equipment, such as hydraulic lifts for wheelchairs, to allow children with special needs to join in the fun.
Sunshine Coach vehicles emphasize safety and comfort while enabling recipient organizations to offer inclusive programming. They range in size, capability. and cost as they can be customized with special equipment.
If your organization works with kids with special needs and is looking for safe and reliable transportation, please contact us to find out if this granting opportunity is the right fit for your program needs.
Eligibility Requirements
The Variety Sunshine Coach Program is a cost sharing program, applicant to be a provincial (BC) non-profit society with audited financial statements, and federally registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency.
The vehicle must be used for children, 25% of which should be children with special needs (low income and mental health are also eligible needs).
Applications are reviewed by our Board semi-annually and is dependent on available funds.
Sunshine Coach Grant Terms & Conditions
Sunshine Coach grants are subject to the following terms & conditions:
1. The Recipient Organization will share in paying half the cost of the vehicle. A deposit of 30% of their half is required when their application is approved. The balance will be due prior to the delivery of the vehicle.
2. The Recipient Organization will assume all responsibility and ownership for the Vehicle and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Variety and Variety International, their directors, employees, agents, tenants, invitees, and licensees from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, costs, losses, liabilities, awards, proceedings or expenses which they suffer or incur or are liable for by reason of the operation of the vehicle or the acts or omissions of the recipient organization or those for whom it is at law responsible in connection with the vehicle or arising out of any default by the recipient organization under this agreement.
Get safe and reliable transportation for your organization so you can better serve kids with special needs and their families. Download our application form here:
Donors that have given $1,047 or more, can choose to have their name recognized on a Sunshine Coach.
We try to recognize donations in the order we receive them however demand for coaches in some regions is greater than others and donations with fewer geographic restrictions can be recognized sooner.
We will work hard to honour your geographic requests in a timely manner, but if Variety has been unable to recognize your donation after a year, your name will be placed on a coach anywhere in BC as needed.
Donations will be recognized as new Sunshine Coaches are requested and approved.
You will need to tell us the following:
Your Name or Organization Name
Your email address
Recognition Name to have on a Sunshine Coach
Geographic location you’d like to have your name recognized in
Sunshine Coach Naming FormÂ
We will work hard to honour your geographic requests in a timely manner, but if Variety has been unable to recognize your donation after a year, your name will be placed on a coach anywhere in BC as needed. Donations will be recognized as new Sunshine Coaches are requested and approved.
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently Asked Questions
When can we apply for a Sunshine Coach?
Variety opens the Sunshine Coach Application with 2 yearly submission deadlines, one in April and another one in September.
How does the Sunshine Coach program work?
Variety Sunshine Coach Program is a 50-50 cost sharing program, and once granted, the vehicle is owned and operated by the organization.
How many seats are available for the coach?
We have a 7 seater, 15 seater and 24 seater coaches.
Any warranty on the coaches, and any maintenance provided?
Each vehicle is covered by a standard manufacturer warranty. However, maintenance is the responsibility of the recipient organization.
Can an organization apply for more than one Sunshine Coach?
Yes, an organization can apply for more than one Sunshine Coach.
Child seeking help is between birth and their 19th birthday. (Note: for autism assessment, the child seeking help must be 4 years or under.)
B.C. or Yukon resident for a minimum of three months with a valid Health Care Card.
Qualified special need (medical/developmental) as recognized by a designated professional. (This does not apply to private autism and psychoeducational assessments or mental wellness requests)
Financial circumstance that limits the ability to afford the item or service required (Variety is currently able to consider requests from households with an annual income of up to $85,000).