Adaptive & Mobility Equipment
Lucy is a 6-year-old girl from Quesnel who has been diagnosed with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Kidney Disease, Global Developmental Delay and Auditory Neuropathy. She is G-Tube fed 100% of the time. With Lucy’s complex medical issues, mobility is merely one of the major challenges she and her family face. Lucy’s arms and legs are constantly and uncontrollable flailing which causes her to fall over when she uses her walker. Lucy’s Cerebral Palsy requires her to be held still and upright so she can be tube fed. This labour intensive process is done three times a day and currently consumes four hours of her mother’s time. Variety stepped in and provided Lucy with a specialized activity chair. The chair keeps Lucy in position for her feedings and the stability makes it easier for her to move around more freely on her own. Lucy’s ongoing medical condition means that her family will need ongoing support from Variety for years to come.